A 360°Digital Marketing Agency in Ludhiana


How We are Different from other Digital Marketing Agency in Ludhiana

"Will good things happen?" That's the foundation for every decision we make at ITPI Technologies. We invest the time to uncover how various strategic approaches translate into real-world actions – whether it's a behavioral change, a perceptual shift, or an online purchase. Doing otherwise results in ineffectual work – the kind that doesn't motivate, convince, or engage the consumer.

Truly insightful strategy does more than identify product benefits and market opportunities. It inspires a laser-focused creative brief. It shapes an insightful media plan. It exploits new technologies. More importantly, it generates measurable ROI.

We believe a strategy like this is shaped by exhaustive research – focus groups, cultural analysis, customer segmentation, and positioning, as well as a level of syndicated research sources that matches agencies far greater in size. We get to know your business to the point of fanaticism. We study your customers, from household income to how they take their coffee. Most importantly, we encourage ongoing collaboration among the agency, client, and your target audience.


What makes us a Creative Digital Marketing Agency in Ludhiana, Punjab?

Smart, uncommon ideas can tell a compelling story, connect with consumers, and motivate them to act. But it’s usually the big ideas that get all the credit (and they definitely have their place). We believe that a handful of small ideas can be just as powerful. Executed smartly and on strategy, they create an evolving arsenal of two-way communication that builds over time and creates sustainable brand value.

These kinds of ideas are tactical gems that can be updated quickly to reflect changing media habits, consumer perceptions, or research results. They require a razor-sharp approach to creativity. Most importantly, they’re built on a foundation of a well-researched strategy and reinforce each other regardless of the medium.

Websites, landing pages, email, banners, and rich media are the bare essentials of effective marketing. We go above and beyond to engage consumers by employing guerrilla tactics, custom apps, and more.

How we Use Measurement and Analytics to get a better decision

Measurement and analytics is the key to the long-term success of any online campaign. But we don't focus on the numbers as much as what those numbers mean for what's going on out there. We are always listening to what the data tells us – and then we act. In our way of thinking, data dashboards are a plan for action and campaign refinement, not just the basis for weekly meetings.

We endeavor to understand end-user experiences within the framework of the overall campaign goals. Campaigns and marketing tactics are monitored to assess performance and visitor engagement and to measure ROI. In the realm of online commerce and conversion funnel tracking, analysis is also focused on understanding form abandonment and on click-stream data resulting from off-site visitor behavior.

Analytics has progressed past standardized monthly traffic reporting and codified key performance indicators. We use Key Insights Analysis in order to listen to and understand end-users (both inquisitive website visitors and the existing client base). Key insight is gained through click density, task completion, segmentation, and scrutinizing campaign results in conjunction with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Visitors, prospects, and constituents are profiled based off of campaign response and site use/interaction.

By combining qualitative data with analytics data, we craft visitor personas. In the course of user profiling, prospect models are used to predict probability distributions and forecast revenue, conversion and achieve projections.

It sounds complicated – and it is. But it's how we measure success and constantly improve our efforts to connect what's meaningful to a client's customer with what's profitable for their business.

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